Fill your thoughts with what you want to create, and will have it. - Sanaya Roman
Okay, so obviously my thoughts have been on food, because it keeps appearing in my kitchen! I love to cook, but I have decided to try some new things for a couple of reasons:
1) I saw an Oprah episode where the guest basically said, "Eat whatever you want as long as you make it yourself." Makes total sense, because I don't know about you, but I don't have any sodium polyglutisorbinate in my cupboard! He claimed that all of our current ills (obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) are a direct result of all the chemicals in our food - not the fat, sugar, etc. I agree. As runners, we know that we need sugar and fat. I really try not to limit any food group, but rather, eat everything in moderation according to what I am craving. I figure my body knows what it needs (and yes, I do crave vegetables!).
2) Because my mileage is still lower than normal while I am ramping back up, I have extra time. When I'm really training hard, I find that I don't have the time, energy, or patience to make complicated dishes. So, I realized, now's my chance.
Gatueax du Citron from Orangette - Molly Wizenberg
The only sad part about my whole little experiment is that it has rained all week - in El Paso! - so that we couldn't sit outside and enjoy any of the food.
Look how gray it is, and this is the Sun City!
Anyway, I hope to keep posting food items here, but no promises after I start training again! After all, this is supposed to be a (sort of) running blog!
Happy Running!